For Inspiration

A “Rocket” Rise to Prominence

Born in 1858, “Teddie” Roosevelt had grown up in New York City in an upper-class family. He visited Europe as a child, studied with a personal tutor, spoke German fluently, and graduated from Harvard with honors in 1880. A frail and sickly boy, nearly blind in one eye, he followed his father’s advice to “make your own body.” He compulsively lifted weights, wrestled, hiked, rowed, swam, boxed, and climbed mountains, all in an effort to build himself into a physical and intellectual athlete. The results were startling. Roosevelt transformed himself into a man of almost superhuman energy who fiercely championed the “strenuous life.” (From: 763-64 Emory Shi, David and George Brown Tindell, America: A Narrative History Vol.2 brief 10th edition)

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